
CMS Web Interface API (WI API)

This documentation describes the API for programmatically reporting data to the CMS Quality Payment Program. Interactive swagger documentation for the WI API can be accessed here. Client examples of WI API usage can be found here.

What is the CMS Web Interface?

The CMS Web Interface is a user-friendly, secure, internet-based data submission mechanism for Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) to report quality data to CMS. CMS generates a sample of patients for each of the quality measures and pre-populates this information in the CMS Web Interface. For each quality measure, your ACO is required to completely report quality data on at least 248 consecutively ranked patients or the entire sample of patients, if there is less than 248 in your sample. ACOs must report all CMS Web Interface quality measures.

What exactly does the WI API do?

The WI API is designed to allow developers to programmatically enter WI submissions data from their EHR system. When you report data via the API, CMS will provide immediate, clear, and actionable feedback. By providing immediate feedback, the API enables customers to be confident that they reported their data successfully.

The WI API allows you to:

  1. Submit Patient Data
  2. View & Prepare Samples
  3. Confirm or Skip Patients
  4. Track Performance
  5. View Measures Specifications

How do I authenticate?

In order to access the API endpoints, you will need credentials to the CMS Enterprise Portal here.

Using your account credentials you will need to authorize using the QPP Auth Service APIs and the authorization process described here to obtain a JSON Web Token (JWT). You will use this token in the Authorization header in your requests to the WI API endpoints.  

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