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An official website of the United States government

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An official website of the United States government

Here's how you know


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Tooltips provide additional information upon hover, focus or click. The information should be contextual, useful, and nonessential information.


The Tooltip component can render a variety of content ranging from short descriptive text, to paragraphs with links, or more complex interactive popovers.

The component provides a variety of props to configure tooltip behavior for these different use cases (i.e. interactive, dialog), and to customize styling (i.e. offset, maxWidth, className). The element that triggers a Tooltip can also be fully customized via props (i.e. triggerComponent, triggerContent).

This component makes use of @popperjs/core for tooltip positioning, focus-trap-react for trapping focus in Tooltip Dialogs, and react-transition-group for animations.

Icon Trigger




Interactive content


With Close




See Storybook "Tooltip" page for React documentation.

Style customization

The following CSS variables can be overridden to customize Tooltip fields:

CSS variables for tooltip
VariableDefault Core Theme Value
--tooltip__background-colorhex value: #ffffff--color-white
--tooltip__border-colorhex value: #404040--color-gray-darker
--tooltip__border-color--inverse-activehex value: #ffffff40--color-transparent-white-alpha25
--tooltip__colorhex value: #262626--color-base
--tooltip__box-shadow-colorhex value: #a6a6a6--color-gray-light
--tooltip-icon__colorhex value: #0071bc--color-primary
--tooltip-icon__color--inversehex value: #ffffff--color-white
--tooltip-trigger__colorhex value: #0071bc--color-primary


When to use

  • Use for helpful, non-critical information to strengthen an existing message.
  • Use to increase certainty and enhance confidence about an interaction.
  • Use with brief descriptions as tooltips perform best with succinct text.
  • Tooltips are useful as a last resort for space-constrained UI. Explore other options for keeping content visible without a tooltip.

When to consider alternatives

  • Don’t hide information necessary for completing a task behind a tooltip interaction.
  • Tooltips are microcopy and should be brief. Don't use a tooltip if you need a lot of text.
  • Don’t use a tooltip when its content is repetitive or if usability is obvious.
  • If content can fit outside a tooltip, don't use a tooltip.

Component maturity

This component meets 100% of our maturity criteria.

What does this mean?

Each component is tested against the following items to gauge the component's maturity. When using incomplete components, consider the unmet criteria as applied to your product.

For more information about how we tested and validated our work for each checklist item, read our component maturity documentation.