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An official website of the United States government

Here's how you know

An official website of the United States government

Here's how you know


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher

Month Picker


The Month Picker component renders a grid of checkboxes with shortened month names as well as buttons for selecting or deselecting all. For internationalization one can pass a locale prop, and the month names will change to match the language of the locale. Full month names are also included as aria-label attributes.




Preact/React documentation for Storybook

Style customization

The following CSS variables can be overridden to customize MonthPicker fields:

CSS variables for choice
VariableDefault Core Theme Value
--choice__background-colorhex value: #ffffff--color-white
--choice__background-color--checkedhex value: #0071bc--color-primary
--choice__background-color--disabledhex value: #d9d9d9--color-border
--choice__background-color--inversehex value: #ffffff00--color-transparent
--choice__border-colorhex value: #262626--color-base
--choice__border-color--checkedhex value: #0071bc--color-primary
--choice__border-color--disabledhex value: #a6a6a6--color-gray-light
--choice__border-color--errorhex value: #262626--color-base
--choice__border-color--error--inversehex value: #ffffff--color-white
--choice__border-color--inversehex value: #ffffff--color-white
--choice__border-color--lefthex value: #0071bc--color-primary
--choice__border-color--focushex value: #004f84--color-primary-darker
--choice__border-color--disabled--inversehex value: #a6a6a6--color-gray-light
--choice__color--uncheckedhex value: #ffffff--color-white
--choice__color--disabledhex value: #5a5a5a--color-gray-dark
--choice-label__color--disabledhex value: #5a5a5a--color-gray-dark
--choice-label__color--disabled--inversehex value: #e9ecf1--color-muted-inverse

Form components

This component also makes use of form field styles, which can be customized by the following variables:

CSS variables for form
VariableDefault Core Theme Value
--form-hint__colorhex value: #5a5a5a--color-gray-dark
--form-hint__color--inversehex value: #e9ecf1--color-muted-inverse
--form-error__colorhex value: #e31c3d--color-error
--form-error__color--inversehex value: #f7bbc5--color-error-lighter

Component maturity

This component meets 100% of our maturity criteria.

What does this mean?

Each component is tested against the following items to gauge the component's maturity. When using incomplete components, consider the unmet criteria as applied to your product.

For more information about how we tested and validated our work for each checklist item, read our component maturity documentation.