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An official website of the United States government

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An official website of the United States government

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Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Design system switcher


Icons help communicate meaning, actions, status, or feedback.


The <SvgIcon> component is a re-usable component that wraps its children in an <svg> element. This component is used by each individual icon component listed below.


Changing icon color

Icon components support a few built-in color options that can be applied by using one of the following utility classes.

If you need a different color for an icon, you can pass a custom class to an icon component through the class prop. Then, in your application CSS, set the color prop.

ColorCSS utility ClassExample

Changing icon size

Icon components use ems for their height and width and can thereby be sized by changing the font-size of the SVG element.

It is recommended that the font-size utilities be used.

Extra Large
2x Large
3x Large
4x Large
5x Large

Creating custom icons

The <SvgIcon> component can be used for other custom icons. It allows you to pass in the SVG child elements. This component is recommended if you want built-in accessibility features and standard icon styles.

In the example below, the <SvgIcon> component is used with a custom path.



Preact/React documentation for Storybook

Style customization

The following CSS variables can be overridden to customize Icon components:

CSS variables for icon
VariableDefault Core Theme Value
--icon__color--errorhex value: #e31c3d--color-error
--icon__color--inversehex value: #ffffff--color-white
--icon__color--primaryhex value: #0071bc--color-primary
--icon__color--successhex value: #12890e--color-secondary
--icon__color--warnhex value: #f8c41f--color-warn



The <SvgIcon> component has built-in accessibility features including:

  • a built-in title attribute. For any specific exported icon, the title attribute is defaulted, but can be overwritten.
  • focusable="false" which prevents the icon from being focusable
  • role="img" which tells assistive technologies that the icon's purpose is as an image
  • optional description attribute which can be used for a more detailed explanation of the icon's contents. Meant to be used to provide more detail than just the title
  • an availableariaHidden attribute which can be used if the icon's context is described elsewhere. For example, if the icon is part of a button with text, the text may provide the text description instead of the icon component.

Component maturity

This component meets 100% of our maturity criteria.

What does this mean?

Each component is tested against the following items to gauge the component's maturity. When using incomplete components, consider the unmet criteria as applied to your product.

For more information about how we tested and validated our work for each checklist item, read our component maturity documentation.